Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Not allowed to have a phone?

So im almost 15 years old. There has been a ton of times I have needed a phone. For example last month I was walking around the store and I usually go check the video station out at wal mart and see whats new, then I went to find my grandparents and they were not there, they sat in the car for 20 minutes waiting for me, and I was like I wouldn't need to make you wait if I had a phone. And there has been plenty more situations. I'm a boy, if that matters. All my friends have androids and all this crap, but if they do get me a phone it has always been pre-paid, I mean I know its cheaper but come on there are like no minutes at all, they don't understand texting so yeah, I want a real phone like my friends, it just pisses me off there are 8 year old's who have phones and iPod's and all this crap but I am almost old enough to drive and I cant have a phone. I cant work because there is no where I can work around here. I think I deserve a phone because I am always doing stuff around the house like mowing the lawn and cleaning the house to give my grandmother and grandfather a break once in the while, but they take me for granite and say, "Well we give you a place to live". And if I didn't help it wouldn't matter they would still take care of me. Please someone tell me... Do i honestly deserve a phone. Sorry this is so long.


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