Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why do feminists fight to prevent abused men from getting help?

i absolutely agree with you- and i am speaking as a woman. why should there be a law for one set of people, and the other to be allowed to do what the hell they want? no wonder that inequality still exists today. i am all for women to speak their mind and be entitled to have the same equal rights as their male counterparts, but i loathe this battle of the es thing. it is outdated, stupid and is just not on. yes, there are still inequality issues that are yet to be resolved on both ends of the spectrum- male and female. but there are some people who seem to forget that its not just women who are victims of domestic abuse, ault and battery. as an increasing number of men fall victim to this type of thing as well. regardless of whether it is a man putting his hands on a woman or a woman putting her hands on a man, all forms of abuse is wrong and shouldn't be condoned in society, whatsoever


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